If you are looking for the best nipple covers for festivals, this one is for you!

Available in both glossy and matte texture, these teardrop nipple pasties are best for all sort of events and festivals. These nipple cover stickers are long lasting and waterproof. The pasties nipple patches come in three different shades you can choose from to match your skin tone.

The best part is that these nipple pasties can last for as long as 12 hours, so you don’t have to worry about anything! They will survive rain, heat and sweat! They will last through your pres, the whole festival and even the after party. Also, random note, these boob pasties are waterproof so you can even wear them for swimming. Isn’t that just amazing?

La Femme Petite satin glossy nipple pasties in tan

 Best nipple covers festivals, nippies skin and the best boob pasties in Australia. These are the best pasties nipple patch you need in your life.

Just make sure to be gentle while taking these nipple covers off and do not wear them for more than 12 hours. Other than that, these best nipple concealers are just perfect for almost all breast sizes! So what are you waiting for? Purchase these nipple covers online just now and give a perfect shape to your boobs here

LFP fam xx

