Being a 5'2 size 4 could seem like someone else's dream but it was never a dream for me until I reached my 30s.
One thing that is a massive perk now is, but not always the case when I was in my late teens and early 20's, is looking way younger than your actual age. I was always skinny, tiny and looked like a cute little girl next to any average sized friend. Today as a 33 year old when I get ID'd at a bar or at the bottle shop I do a little jump on the inside.
One of the major things I think I struggled with was buying beautiful clothes that fitted me. Especially when you don’t have the budget for designers, overseas shopping or tailoring it is a major struggle. When I want skinny jeans, for example, to fit me snugly enough to make me feel sexy, the smallest size can often look baggy, or too loose at the waist, or have several inches left where my toes end. I mean I can go to the children's department to get clothes that fit me but obviously, but they are not designed to accentuate a woman's assets. Dresses and skirts are often awkwardly long.
Even the thing that is especially designed to make you feel sexy like lingerie is an absolute battle to find in a petite size. I have to look at 100's of designs to find one that might fit me. Even then most of the time I have to return them because they would bulge around my boobs or too big around the waist orrrrr it's huuuge around the butt.
I mean I understand that there is a bigger market for average sized women so it is profitable to make but us little chickas want to find small size bras that make us look and feel sexy. Feeling sexy and provocative is something that petite women have barely felt in their lives. For someone who struggled with body confidence for a long time I understand how  important it is to feel sexy and empowered in the bedroom. I mean let's be honest, as much as we love it when a man takes the lead, how HOTT is it when we take the lead and show them how it's done!!??
I mean it's not all clothes that make you feel beautiful and sexy but having clothes that make me feel tat way and boost my confidence is a huge perk.
Today I feel comfortable in my body. It fluctuates in size and shape often but I love it for what it is. 2020 was rough. I was on a good roll to work on my butt quite a few times but lost my rhythm when lost work or got sick or got depressed. But that's just a part of life isn't it? Today I love my body when it's in shape and when it's not. It has been with me through slightly thick and thin hehe! I am blessed to be here, blessed that I can look sexy in La Femme Petite and blessed that I get to be right at the front of every group photo haha! :P